CSS stands for cascading style sheet and is used to style the internet means the website on internet and recently SaSS has come into actions.

What is SaSS?

A lot of people staring front end web Dev or full stack web Dev are confused with this term that what it is? I was confused too. But, here is a simple and clear answer for you. SaSS is a CSS pre-processor πŸ€”. What is a pre-processor? Simply anything that is processed first. Now let's clear the definition. We write code of CSS using SaSS and first SaSS code is compiled by a SaSS compiler and what is the output >> CSS code.

A question may be why we use SaSS when it has to be converted into CSS ultimately. The answer is simple. SaSS give us functionalities like declaring variables, doing nesting , applying operators, using functions etc. This makes easy for us to write good code (Do not repeat yourself principal) . A simple comparison of code in SCSS which will be compiled into CSS code is shown in the picture above.